
Insurrection Redux: Is America Ready for Round Two with Trump?

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes


Source: ‘Test case’ for America: Colorado’s top court poised to weigh Trump’s eligibility to run again


In what can only be described as a riveting plot twist that even Shakespeare would envy, the Colorado Supreme Court is now grappling with the mind-boggling question of whether Donald J. Trump is eligible to run for President of the United States once again. Strap in folks, because this legal circus promises to be a wild ride!

Key Points:

  • The Colorado Supreme Court has taken up the case of Trump’s eligibility to run for office, which could potentially have implications for the entire nation. Because what America really needs right now is more Trump, right?
  • The lawsuit, filed by a group of concerned citizens, alleges that Trump’s role in the infamous insurrection on January 6th, 2021, should disqualify him from ever seeking the coveted seat in the Oval Office again. But, hey, who even cares about accountability and consequences these days?
  • Legal experts are now deliberating whether Trump’s actions truly meet the criteria for disqualification, while the rest of us wonder how we ended up in a world where this is even a question. Ah, democracy!
  • Proponents of Trump argue that he has been unfairly targeted and that this case is nothing more than political theater. Because obviously, a former president’s involvement in an insurrection should be brushed under the rug like any other run-of-the-mill scandal.
  • The Colorado Supreme Court’s decision could have wide-ranging implications, not just for Trump but for the future of our democracy. But let’s be honest, none of this really matters, right? It’s not like the fate of our nation hangs in the balance or anything.

Counter Points:

  • Who cares about Trump’s involvement in a violent attack on the Capitol? Let’s just let bygones be bygones and give him another chance. What’s the worst that could happen?
  • Accountability is overrated anyway. We should just ignore the actions of those in power and pretend they have no consequences. It’s not like our democracy depends on it.
  • The Colorado Supreme Court should focus on more important matters, like… oh, I don’t know, actual justice? But who needs that when we can spend our time debating whether a former president should be allowed to run for office AGAIN?

Hot Take:

In a world where logic seems to have taken an extended vacation, the Colorado Supreme Court’s deliberation on Trump’s eligibility to run again is just another chapter in the never-ending saga of absurdity that is American politics. Who needs stability and meaningful debate when we can entertain the masses with legal battles that belong in a parallel universe? Democracy, we hardly knew ye!

Democrawonk was born from the need to counter the Right's mind-boggling acrobatics with a dose of liberal sanity. It's a haven where progressive thoughts roam free, untrampled by the right-wing's love affair with alternative facts. And it's funny.

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