Boeing Boldly Goes Where No Drill Has Gone Before: Inside the 737 MAX’s Swiss-Cheese Fuselage

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Source: Boeing reworking 50 undelivered 737 MAX jets after misdrilled holes found in some fuselages

The Details

In what can only be described as a Monty Python sketch set in an airplane factory, Boeing has given us yet another heartwarming story of human fallibility. They’ve been caught red-handed – or should we say, drill-handed – with 50 of their 737 MAX lean, mean flying machines not quite up to snuff. Misdrilled holes? Really, Boeing?

It’s almost like they took inspiration from Swiss cheese, except I’m pretty sure holes in aircraft fuselages don’t exactly scream quality craftsmanship. I’d say “back to the drawing board,” but maybe they should just check if their glasses are on straight first.

The Breakdown

  • Arts & Crafts 101 with Boeing
    Remember back in kindergarten when misshapen clay ashtrays were considered cute? Boeing seems to be gunning for the same level of adorableness, except with billion-dollar aircraft. Cute in clay, less so in planes.
  • A Whole New Hole
    We all know that variety is the spice of life, but I’m pretty sure Boeing’s engineers misinterpreted that when they decided to jazz up their fuselages with extra holes. Kindergarteners with a power tool could have done a more uniform job.
  • Boeing’s Quality Control Mascot: Mr. Magoo
    Who needs high-tech scanners or quality control when you have good ol’ human error to keep things interesting? Boeing must have hired Mr. Magoo to oversee their final inspections, because you’d have to be blind to miss holes where holes should not be.
  • DIY Repairs: The MAX Edition
    These aircraft were just begging to be part of an exciting new home improvement show, “Pimp My Ride: Airplane Edition.” Misdrilled holes? Just slap some Flex Tape on that bad boy, and she’ll be right as rain.
  • The Great Boeing Bake-Off
    In a daring crossover event, Boeing decided to take a leaf out of the baking world: nothing says ‘perfection’ like a doughnut – airy, light, and full of holes. Is it a plane or a pastry? At Boeing, they’re just innovating one air pocket at a time.

The Counter

  • The Unique Collector’s Item
    Who wouldn’t want a limited edition 737 MAX complete with exclusive air vents? These planes are practically haute couture given their one-of-a-kind imperfections.
  • Weight Reduction Strategy
    In a genius move, Boeing implemented an avant-garde weight-saving strategy. See, misdrilled holes = less material = lighter plane. It’s science, and don’t let the naysayers tell you otherwise!
  • Peak Human Ingenuity
    Machines are so last century. By embracing human error, Boeing is standing up for what makes us unique. Robots might not over-drill a hole, but they can’t make a witty joke about it later either.
  • A New Revenue Stream
    Think of the merchandising opportunities! “I flew on the exclusive, aerated 737 MAX, and all I got was this lousy T-shirt (with holes).”
  • Environmental Conservation
    Let’s commend Boeing for their commitment to the environment. Fewer materials used means less environmental impact, right? Those extra holes are just Boeing being eco-friendly!

The Hot Take

In the grand tradition of liberal problem-solving, we should probably form a committee to talk about our feelings on holes before we actually fix them. And while we’re at it, subsidize an arts program where pilots can express themselves through interpretive dance whenever their aircraft start mimicking colanders.

Because nothing soothes mechanical failure like a good, heartfelt ballet. The solution, of course, is simple: mandatory arts and crafts classes for all Boeing engineers, complete with macaroni portraits and paper-mâché, to refine their precision skills.

And maybe, just maybe, we could introduce a little thing called ‘quality control’ – I hear it’s all the rage in industries that don’t want to be the butt of late-night talk show jokes. Remember, if life gives you lemons, paint them gold and sell them as organic.

Democrawonk was born from the need to counter the Right's mind-boggling acrobatics with a dose of liberal sanity. It's a haven where progressive thoughts roam free, untrampled by the right-wing's love affair with alternative facts. And it's funny.

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