Kamala Plays Whack-a-Mole with Trump’s Ego, Misses on Purpose


Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

Source: Harris blasts Trump for saying he was ‘proud’ to end Roe: ‘How dare he’

The Details

Oh, strap in folks, because if there’s one thing we love, it’s a fresh bowl of political controversy for breakfast. And who better to dish it out than the ever-poised, critics’ favorite, Donald Trump, who recently patted himself on the back for effectively pushing the end of Roe v. Wade. Enter, stage left, our Vice President Kamala Harris, face set to ‘stern disappointment mixed with how-did-I-end-up-here?’ as she unloads a how dare he? that reverberated across the champions of choice faster than you can say reproductive rights. Because, you see, nothing says ‘progress’ like backpedaling through decades of social advancement with a grin on your face. This clash of titans has all the subtlety of a bull in a china shop with Trump playing the bull and, well, everything else being the delicate china.

The Breakdown

  • Trump Proudly Waves Goodbye to Roe Like It’s on the Titanic: Isn’t it just heartwarming to see someone take pride in their work? Especially when that work involves unraveling constitutional precedents like they’re old knitting.
  • Kamala Harris Goes Full Disapproving School Principal: With a stance stiff enough to make statues uncomfortable, Harris took the opportunity to express her outrage in the way only a seasoned politician can: with words that bite but somehow sound like a sigh.
  • The Reaction Orchestra, Tuning Up for Chaos: The responses to this debacle are better orchestrated than a Beethoven symphony, with every politician picking up their instrument of choice – be it outrage, support, or the ever-popular “I’d rather not say.”
  • Social Media Erupts Like It’s Got a Bad Case of the Truth Hives: Leave it to the keyboard warriors and meme-makers of social media to inject some much-needed humor into the discussion. Because, come on, if we don’t laugh, we’ll cry.
  • The Courts and the Streets Are Having a Break-Up: The judicial rulings and public opinion are seeing more separation than a high school romance in college. Remember when we thought laws were a consensus? Good times.

The Counter

  • Roe v. Wade’s End Is Less Engaging Than a Wet Noodle: Seriously, the excitement Trump gets from this is about as understandable as a toddler’s fascination with cardboard boxes. What a time to be alive.
  • Harris Says ‘How Dare He’ As If Shocked—Honey, It’s Trump: The surprise factor here is lower than the chances of finding a humble politician. But hey, we all need a bit of theater.
  • Politicians’ Reactions Are Like a Broken Record On Repeat: The sheer predictability of this political ping-pong is the only comfort we get – like an old, scratchy blanket that’s lost all its color but still kinda keeps you warm.
  • Social Media Turns Into the Wild West, But with GIFs: Picture the chaos of the Wild West, now add GIFs and remove all the horses. That’s the social media landscape for you, only slightly less dusty.
  • The Public’s Mixed Signals – Didn’t We Swipe Left on This Already?: The public’s split reactions suggest we swiped left on this issue, but it keeps cropping back up like a bad Tinder date who didn’t get the hint.

The Hot Take

Well, well, well, if it isn’t another day in the U.S. of A, where our solution to fixing problems is about as coherent as a Trump speech after a dentist’s visit. If we’re going to solve this little tete-a-tete between old Donny and Kamala, we need to do what any self-respecting liberal comedian suggests: turn the sarcasm up to eleven and throw a charity gala, because nothing says “activism” like clinking champagne flutes. We’ll print out “How Dare He” t-shirts, sell them for charity, and donate the proceeds to organizations fighting for reproductive rights. It’s a win-win; you get to clothe your moral outrage in 100% cotton, and you can finally put your “retweet activism” to rest.

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