Oops They Did It Again: Lawmaker Mistakenly Uses Inside Voice Outside

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

In today’s episode of ‘What The Hell Are They Thinking?’, we’re diving headfirst into a fun little ditty about a GOP lawmaker who seems to be under the impression that calling for the eradication of an entire group of people might raise a few eyebrows. Shocking, I know.

As the rest of us are here sipping our coffee in the morning, perusing the news, we come across statements that should be filed under ‘Things You Shouldn’t Have to Say Out Loud’. You wouldn’t call for the cancellation of pizza on Fridays and expect the public to stand idly by; similarly, spewing something as horrific as advocating for genocide and expecting all to be peachy is the height of lunacy. Welcome to Capitol Hill, where the compasses only point to ‘crazy’.

The Breakdown

  • “Holocaust Schmolocaust”: Apparently, some politicians believe that historical atrocities are mere suggestions, not stark warnings from the past.

    • Detail: Holocaust education seems to be as well-funded as my comedy specials. Reminder: If you need to be told why calling for the eradication of Jews is not okay, you missed a couple of very important history lessons.

  • “But First, Let Me Take a Selfie”: Our beloved lawmaker’s philosophy probably aligns more with social media clout than actual policy.

    • Detail: Instead of progressing towards meaningful dialogue, we’re stuck with politicians who fancy themselves as influencers, but the only thing they influence is a facepalm epidemic.

  • “It’s Just a Prank, Bro”: The probable defense once reality sets in that words, like actions, also have consequences.

    • Detail: When the ‘It’s just a joke!’ defense gets pulled out like a rabbit from a hat, expect the magician to be more deflated than my sense of optimism.

  • “What Do You Mean Genocide Is Bad?”: The sound of jaws dropping around the civilized world was almost audible.

    • Detail: One questions if certain elected officials possess a moral compass or if they’ve been navigating their ethics with a broken spinning bottle.

  • “But Free Speech, Though!”: The beloved First Amendment twisted into a pretzel to justify awfulness.

    • Detail: Invoking the First Amendment as a get-out-of-jail-free card for hate speech is like arguing that free movement justifies punching people in the face for fun.

The Counter

  • “It’s All Fun and Games Until…”: Before you know it, such statements could just be added to the party’s platform.

    • Counter: Because logical fallacies are much more engaging than mundane things like ‘human rights’.

  • “Lost in Translation”: Perhaps what was meant as a heinous call to action was just a terribly misunderstood game of telephone?

    • Counter: With the amount of backpedaling going on, professional cycling might be a viable post-politics career.

  • “That’s Just His Opinion”: Can’t a lawmaker muse about ethical purges without everyone getting their knickers in a twist?

    • Counter: If opinions are like noses, remember that some can smell particularly rotten.

  • “Out of Context”: Maybe we’re just not getting the full picture. You know, out of the context that makes genocide sound… better?

    • Counter: The context is not the lifeboat you think it is, especially if the ship is the Titanic.

  • “He’s a Straight Shooter”: He tells it like it is! Even if ‘it’ is something that should never be ‘told’.
    • Counter: Unfortunately, straight shooting into the dark abyss of moral voids doesn’t earn any target practice badges.

The Hot Take

Now for ‘The Hot Take,’ where reality gets roasted over an open fire of common sense. The solution is simple really: educate, legislate, and don’t nominate or tolerate those who conflate hate with great. We might start by ensuring history books are treated as cautionary tales, not fantasy fiction.

And hey, while we’re at it, let’s make “Being a Decent Human Being 101” a required course for anyone even thinking about running for office. That way, by the time they get to the point of making statements, they might actually reflect the values of the country they’re supposed to serve. Wouldn’t that be a novel idea?

Maybe, just maybe, we’d see progress in politics instead of what seems like a race to the bottom of the barrel. Until then, we’ll keep our sarcasm locked and loaded, ready to fire at the next ridiculous thing to fall out of a politician’s mouth because, let’s face it, there’s always going to be something. And in a world that feels increasingly upside down, humor might just be the only thing to keep us from flipping entirely.

Source: GOP lawmaker: You can’t call ‘for the eradication of Jews and think everything is going to be just okay’

Sabrina Bryan, from Tempe to D.C., has made a splash as a writer with a knack for turning political sandstorms into compelling narratives. In three short years, she's traded desert heat for political heat, using her prickly determination to write stories with the tenacity of a cactus. Her sharp wit finds the humor in bureaucracy, proving that even in the dry world of politics, she can uncover tales as invigorating as an Arizona monsoon.

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