Dinner and a Show: Biden Roasts Trump, Serves Fresh Jokes on the Political Menu

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

In an event brimming with more tension than a family dinner at Thanksgiving where politics is the main course, President Joe Biden took a flamethrower of humor to Donald Trump at the recent White House correspondents’ dinner.

The evening was as sparkly as it was spikey, with Biden not missing a beat to skewer his predecessor in a setting that, let’s be honest, already feels more like a roast than a dinner. Outside, a less amused audience waved placards instead of napkins, as protests echoed the divided sentiments trailing behind Trump’s caravan of chaos.

The Breakdown

  • Biden’s Joke Arsenal
    • It was less of a dinner and more of an open mic for Biden as he channeled what could only be described as his inner stand-up comedian. Between jabs at Trump’s expense—ranging from policy failures to personal blunders—Biden seemed to relish the spotlight usually reserved for professional jesters, not politicians.

  • Protesters? Or Uninvited Audiencers
    • Outside, the ambiance was less comedy club, more picket line. Hundreds of protesters gathered, waving signs and shouting less-than-flattering slogans about Biden. Inside jokes, outside jeers; if the walls of the venue could talk, they’d be screaming for a noise-canceling device.

  • Audience Reaction: A Mix of Chortles and Cringes
    • The crowd inside responded with a cocktail of laughter peppered with moments of uncomfortable shifting in seats. It’s that awkward moment when you can’t decide if you’re at a presidential event or a roast battle, and your laugh could be taken as a political stance.

  • Media’s Feeding Frenzy
    • The media were like sharks at a feeding time, each outlet trying to bite off the juiciest part of the event for headlines. Biden’s every joke dissected, every reaction analyzed—tomorrow’s news today, seasoned with a generous helping of bias gravy.

  • Trump’s No-Show, A Strategic Absence?
    • The man of the hour, or rather, the man not of the hour, was conspicuously absent. Trump’s decision to skip the event was either a master class in strategic avoidance or the ultimate in sulking—depending on which side of the aisle you’re heckling from.

The Counter

  • So, What? Biden’s SUPPOSED to Be Serious
    • A presidential figure cracking jokes? How dare he! Shouldn’t he be sitting in the Oval Office pondering world peace or at least trying to spell it?

  • Protesters Just Wanted Fresh Air
    • Maybe the protesters weren’t really angry. Perhaps they just stepped outside for some fresh D.C. air, inadvertently picking up protest signs instead of pollution.

  • Media, Schmedia
    • As if the media ever get anything right. Next, they’ll be reporting that the president actually enjoys these dinners and looks forward to jokes about global crises.

  • Audience’s Loyalty Laughter
    • Was it genuine laughter or merely a survival reflex? Clap or face being the next target of a White House tweet—choose wisely.

  • Trump’s Brilliant Absence
    • Missing the event wasn’t an act of weakness, it was a stroke of genius! Why sit through a meal where you’re the main course and everyone’s armed with forks?

The Hot Take

Alright, let’s peel off the sarcasm like a bad suit at a high-stakes poker game and get down to brass tacks. Fixing America’s divided political reverence one joke at a time might not be the most orthodox method, but hey, if you can’t beat them, at least make them laugh, right?

Next year, let’s have both parties do stand-up routines. Loser has to actually solve an issue—not just tweet about it. Let’s turn the correspondents’ dinner into a true battleground of wits, not just a snark fest. Who knows? We might just laugh ourselves back into some semblance of unity. Either that or we find out which politician secretly missed their calling as a comedian.

Source: Joe Biden roasts Trump at White House correspondents’ dinner as hundreds protest outside – video

Simon Hill, a seasoned financial writer with 30 years under his belt at DemocraWonk and beyond, relished covering the comedic goldmine of the Bush Jr. era. Known for blending finance with humor, he turns economic reporting into an entertaining read.

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