When D.C. Forecast Says ‘Shower,’ It Means ‘Baptism by Water’

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Oh, great. Once again the ever-tantalizing Washington D.C. area forecast promises some delightful showers to dampen our spirits and our plans, as if living anywhere near the metaphorical swamp of Capitol Hill wasn’t dampening enough.

Let me tell you, we’re not just talking about the humidity sticking to you like a clingy relative during a family reunion barbecue. No, it’s the shower of rules, politics, and yes, the literal downpour that makes you wonder if building an ark should be your next DIY project.

Maybe the Rain Will Wash Away Some of the Politicians

I’m no meteorologist, but I don’t need a degree to tell you that when they say “showers,” it’s less of a gentle sprinkle and more of nature throwing a temper tantrum. And like any good temper tantrum, the only thing to do is hope it clears up before the weekend. Except in D.C., where even the weather likes to hang around like a bad policy decision.

Let’s talk about heat. Not just any heat, but the type that feels like you’re walking through a sauna fully clothed. You seek solace and instead get a forecast predicting cooler temperatures, by which they mean you might only fry an egg on the sidewalk instead of cooking a full breakfast. But then, here come the showers, like some sort of soggy superhero, to save the day by making it uncomfortably humid.

Cooling Down or Just Getting Started?

But it isn’t just about the weather, oh no. In D.C., even the simplest weather report can be a metaphor for the political climate. “Showers hold down heat” – doesn’t that sound eerily similar to how new policies aim to ‘cool down’ the latest scandal? Add a couple of gusty winds and you’ve got yourself a typical day in Congress.

So as we look forward to a “cool weekend,” let’s be real here. If by ‘cool’ they mean ‘marginally less unbearable than sticking your head in an oven,’ then sure, we’re in for a treat. It’s the little victories, isn’t it? A brief respite from the heat, like a brief respite from the news cycle – best enjoyed with a cold drink and no expectations.

When It Rains, It Pours… Mockery

I’d wager that if we could harness the power of all the hot air coming out of Congress, we’d never have a cold day in the capital again. Imagine that, using political speeches to warm your home. Efficient, abundant, and renewable – because let’s face it, the one thing we can count on is long-winded politicians.

And amidst this swampy mess, remember the umbrella. Not just for the rain, but for shielding yourself from the overflow of bureaucratic nonsense that tends to flood the streets faster than any stormwater. In D.C., the forecast isn’t just about the weather, it’s about survival. It teaches you resilience, patience, and the all-important skill of complaining about the weather, a vital pastime here in the capital.

So, as you wade through another day of showers and policy debates, remember, the weekend is coming. It might be cooler, it might not. But hey, one thing’s for sure – there’ll be something else to complain about. And isn’t that the true spirit of D.C.?

Source: D.C.-area forecast: Showers hold down heat today ahead of cool weekend

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