How Debating Trump Could Actually Make Biden’s Summer Great Again

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

Joe Biden debating Donald Trump in June. Let’s stop right there because, really, what’s a better way to kick off the summer than having these two squaring off again? It’s like choosing between sunburn and a bug bite. You don’t want either, but you’ll take either if it promises some entertainment!

Now, you might think, why on Earth should Biden be happy about this? Well, strap in because this isn’t just a debate; it’s the headlining act for the political circus that we all pretend not to love, but secretly binge-watch like it’s the latest hit series on Netflix.

First off, remember when debates used to be about policies? Me neither! We’re way past that stage. Now it’s about who can throw the punchline harder without throwing an actual punch. It’s a game of dodgeball but less about dodging balls and more about lobbing verbal grenades across the podium.

Imagine the sheer chaos, and tell me you aren’t already popping the popcorn. Biden, with his aviator shades and ‘come on, man’ attitude, stepping onto the podium. It’s like watching your grandpa trying to use TikTok. He wants to stay cool and modern, but half the time, everyone’s wondering if he remembers where the camera is.

And then you’ve got Trump. Oh boy, firing off tweets faster than a toddler can throw spaghetti. He doesn’t just play loose with facts; he treats them like they’re participants in a game of musical chairs. And when the music stops, who knows what version of the truth is going to find a seat!

Biden might seem like he’s dragging his feet, but I’d wager he’s grinning like a Cheshire cat. Why? Because debating Trump is like being thrown into a ring with a bull. Sure, it’s dangerous, but all you really need to do is wave the red cape and let the bull tire himself out while the crowd cheers you on! It’s not just a political strategy; it’s an aerobic workout!

Forget policy depth, folks. Precision and fact-checking are so 2008. This debate will skip all that boring part and dive straight into the snappy comebacks and meme-worthy gaffes. Because what’s more American than turning a significant political event into a series of viral videos?

And let’s talk media coverage. The channels don’t just want a debate; they want a blockbuster, baby! We’re talking about primetime slots, baby, when even your grandma stays up to watch, chuckling into her knitting because this is better than her soaps. And the next day? Oh, the next day, we’re all armchair quarterbacks, breaking down every smirk, every jab, every bewildered stare into the void.

This isn’t just good for Biden or Trump; it’s great for the meme economy. Think of the GIFs, folks! The internet will feast for days, nay, weeks on this buffet of blunders and triumphs. Every confused Biden stare, every Trumpian hyperbole magnified into online eternity. It’s renewable energy for Twitter!

And as much as we lament the decay of dignified discourse, there’s a part of us all that can’t help but lean in, eyes wide, mouths agape, as we witness the slow-motion car crash of political decorum. It’s the guilty pleasure of our time. Like junk food for the brain, terrible for health, impossible to resist.

So, as June approaches and these two septuagenarian gladiators oil up for another bout in the arena, remember this isn’t just a debate. It’s a spectacle, a sport, a comedy show, and drama all wrapped into one tidy package, televised nationwide for your viewing pleasure.

Political junkies and casual viewers alike, grab your popcorn and pick your fighter because it’s about to go down! And no matter who loses on that stage, the rest of us win a night of unforgettable television.

So, let’s count down the days till Biden joyously dances into the ring, ready to spar with Trump, because honestly, what else were you going to do with your summer night? Watch baseball? I didn’t think so. Get ready for the main event. It’s going to be one hell of a show!

Source: Why Biden might be happy to debate Trump in June

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