Ambush Trump? More Like Blinders Removed: Welcome to Reality!

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Well, folks, buckle up for another round of The Trump Show! The newest episode titled Ambushed at the Debate: A Tragedy in Three Acts is brought to you by the fine folks over at CNN and hosted by the ever-serene Jake Tapper.

Let me get this straight, Donald Trump’s prepping for the debate was basically like prepping a Thanksgiving turkey with live dynamite. Expectations were swinging wilder than a cat on catnip, and Trump, bless his heart, claims an ambush. An ambush!? What’s next, are they going to attack him with crayons and finger paints?

Apparently, our dear ex-president walked into that debate like he was going to a family reunion with the clampetts—and found himself at a Mensa meeting instead. What did he expect from a debate? A warm spa and a mimosa? Come on, the guy lives in a world where facts are like unicorns. They don’t exist! So here he is, entering a debate with all the preparation of a couch potato entering the Olympics.

But oh, he was ambushed, surprise surprise. The debate was harrowing! It turns out debate moderators have this crazy thing they do called asking questions. And Trump claiming to be ambushed is like a fish claiming he was surprised by water.

And who’s the unlucky moderator who had to deal with him? Jake Tapper. You can say what you want about Jake, but no one deserves that kind of punishment. It must’ve been like trying to interview a wild howler monkey hopped up on energy drinks, cheetos dust flying everywhere. But credit to Jake, he stood his ground, asked questions, and managed not to scream what the hell is wrong with you every five minutes.

Expectations were swinging wildly. Well, yeah! Because you never really know what’s going to happen with Trump. It’s not like dealing with a normal person; it’s more like dealing with a human tornado. Debating Trump is like playing chess with a pigeon—it’s just going to knock over all the pieces, crap on the board, and then strut around like it won.

And here’s the best part, folks! Trump’s legal team apparently tried to get debate questions in advance. Classic! That’s like asking the teacher to fill in the answers for a pop quiz! Dear Donald, it’s called a debate not a rehearsal dinner.

I’ll tell you why expectations were flying around like bats in a belfry. Because Trump could either show up as John Q. Public, the embodiment of American values and pies cooling on windowsills, or he could show up as Crazy Uncle Lou, the guy who’s always three beers and one conspiracy theory away from the loony bin. Surprise! It’s the latter!

Now here’s the kicker. Trump says it was an ambush because he was grilled on facts. Oh no, not the facts! Anything but the facts! Facts to Trump are like garlic to a vampire. The guy wouldn’t know a fact if it bit him on his McRib-stuffed behind. Say climate change and his eye starts twitching like he’s got a live wire in his skull.

God bless the folks in the studio who had to clean up after that debacle. Think about it—the man sweats lies like a New York deli sweats pastrami. I can only imagine what it’s like trying to mop up a puddle of half-truths and complete fabrication.

Ever see those cartoons where a bomb goes off, and the character comes out with a singed face and wild eyes? That’s what Jake Tapper looked like after the debate. And if it wasn’t enough, Trump’s out there crying ambush like every moderator has it out for him personally. No Donald, it’s not a conspiracy, you’re just walking into debates like a bull in a china shop, ranting about emails and Benghazi.

And let’s not forget the Twitter storm that follows. It’s like Godzilla rampaging through downtown Tokyo, only with atrocious spelling and questionable sanity. Seriously, someone should revoke his access to social media; it’s like handing a toddler a flamethrower.

Folks, here’s the truth. Trump claiming ambush is just his usual strategy of deflect and distract. It’s like watching a magician who’s terrible at magic, but somehow keeps pulling rabbits out of places where rabbits shouldn’t be.

In conclusion, Trump at a debate is like watching a slow-motion car crash. You know it’s bad, you know it’s going to be messy, but you can’t look away. You can only hope the damage isn’t too extensive and everyone involved comes out with only minor injuries. The real truth? Expecting anything less than a spectacle at a Trump debate is like expecting haute cuisine at a gas station. Ridiculous!

Source: Trump claims debate ambush as expectations swing wildly

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