Trump’s Pop Culture Hot Takes: Now Auditory Torture Comes with a Beat!

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Let’s talk about Donald Trump and his recent shenanigans. This time, the former, and I stress former, President of the United States has decided to grace us with his invaluable opinions on two pop culture icons. Yes, folks, I’m talking about Taylor Swift and Kim Kardashian. In a new audio clip, Trump is heard singing praises of Swift while simultaneously bashing Kardashian. It’s like that game we all used to play as kids: “One of these things is not like the other.” But when Trump plays it, it’s just endless headaches.

First off, did someone give him a microphone? And why hasn’t anyone taken it away yet?

When it comes to Trump praising Swift, sure, she’s talented, she’s got a gazillion fans, she’s like the golden retriever of pop culture. Who doesn’t like her? Even if you don’t, you probably grunt and say she’s got some talent while secretly admiring her ability to rile up a dedicated fanbase. But Trump diving into Swift’s world is like finding a golden retriever in a shark tank.

Now, let’s talk about the juicy part—his beef with Kim Kardashian. It’s not enough that Kim’s turned selfies into an art form and has a business empire that would make old Carnegie clutch his pearls, no, she needs a good tongue-lashing from Trump. Because who better to criticize someone who’s famous for being famous than a man who ran a country based on the same credentials?

Trump’s critique of Kim Kardashian is like McDonald’s making fun of Burger King for serving fast food. It’s rich… and gluten-free!

Kim K doesn’t need validation from anyone, let alone from Trump. This is a woman who can break the internet with a single post, who turned contouring into a household term, and has single-handedly managed to make people care about Kanye West’s zodiac sign. Criticizing her for being famous is like blaming the sun for being hot.

And let’s not even start on the fact that Trump’s voice could scare a possum off a trash can. The real question is: why are we still listening to this guy? We have a wealth of meaningful content at our disposal, like cat videos, the synthesizer version of Toto’s “Africa”, or literally anything else.

In this battle of pop culture titans, Trump’s opinions are about as relevant as a MySpace profile.

His praise for Swift might be the equivalent of finding a crumb of comfort in a landfill. But praising her while putting down Kardashian? It’s like trying to praise a symphony by pooping on a painting. Both things are fundamentally different and should be left as far apart as possible. One reigns over the world of music while the other dominates reality TV and social media. Each has their own kingdom and courts, and neither needs a sermon from the guy who made The Apprentice a thing.

Taylor Swift probably cringed so hard her hair grew another inch listening to his praise.

Can you imagine Swift, sitting in her multi-million-dollar living room, shaking her head and saying, “First, it was Kanye, now it’s Trump. Who’s next, Bigfoot?” Meanwhile, Kim K is probably breaking another part of the internet with a cryptic tweet or a bikini photo before we can even process this nonsense. While the world recycles these soundbites, both these women continue to do what they’re best at: defining and redefining pop culture.

Trump commenting on these women is like a raccoon giving a TED Talk on quantum physics. It’s baffling and entirely unnecessary.

And here’s the kicker—his opinions are so polarizing that by the time this ship sinks, we’ll still be screaming about it. This isn’t just tilting at windmills, this is bulldozing a petting zoo. It’s loud, it’s senseless, and at the end, no one wins, but a lot of people are annoyed and a barnyard is forever changed.

If this spectacle tells us anything, it’s that everyone’s a critic, but some people should really just stick to the peanut gallery. Let’s remember, neither Taylor nor Kim need endorsements from a man whose legacy is a hotel chain and a presidency that played like a reality show with less coherence and more seat-of-your-pants moments.

Trump’s rants are like the unwanted encore of a one-hit wonder band. We didn’t ask for it, we don’t want it, and yet here it is, vying for our attention like that guy with a guitar at every campfire who just won’t be quiet.

By the time we’re done with this round of Trumpisms, both Swift and Kardashian will have moved onto their next big project, while we’re all left questioning our life choices for clicking on that headline in the first place.

So next time you find yourself in the vortex of Trump’s opinions on anything, especially pop culture, remember: the volume knob goes both ways. Let’s use it wisely and tune into something far more rewarding, like the sound of tumbleweeds rolling by or the peaceful hum of a microwave. Anything but that voice pontificating on things far out of its grasp.

Source: Hear how Trump praises Taylor Swift & bashes Kim Kardashian

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