
The Hunter Biden Public Protest: An Oscar-Worthy Performance in the Theater of Politics

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes


Hunter Biden on Wednesday called out House Republicans for having “no shame” amid their relentless probes and investigations of him. The president’s son made a public statement outside the Capitol instead of showing for his scheduled deposition following a subpoena from House Republicans. His remarks bucked investigators’ requests for a closed-door deposition; he has said he would testify in a pu

Source: Hunter Biden on House GOP: ‘They have no shame’

The Details

Oh, boy! Look who’s back in the spotlight! Hunter Biden, the beloved son of our dear president, has decided to grace us with his presence. Instead of honoring the subpoena from those pesky House Republicans, Hunter made a grand statement, accusing them of having “no shame.” How thoughtful of him to share his thoughts with us common folk! And of course, why bother with a closed-door deposition when you can make a public spectacle outside the Capitol? Classic Hunter!

Key Points

  • House Republicans just can’t get enough of Hunter Biden, can they? They keep probing and investigating him, like there’s no other pressing issue in the world. Priorities, folks!
  • Hunter Biden was supposed to show up for his scheduled deposition but decided to make a stand by not showing up and delivering a public statement instead. Who needs to follow the rules when you can make a statement and garner attention?
  • Those investigators had the audacity to request a closed-door deposition, but Hunter Biden knows better! He said he would testify in public, because, you know, transparency is his middle name.
  • It’s truly admirable how Hunter Biden accuses House Republicans of having “no shame.” The irony is so thick you could cut it with a knife. Bravo, Hunter, you’ve mastered the art of self-awareness!
  • Despite all the drama, we’re left wondering if anything meaningful will come out of this whole ordeal. Will there be any actual consequences for anyone involved, or will it simply be another episode in the never-ending soap opera of politics?


  1. House Republicans are just doing their job by conducting these investigations. It’s their duty to ensure transparency and accountability, even if some people find it annoying.
  2. Hunter Biden, as a public figure, should be willing to cooperate and provide the necessary information. Avoiding a deposition and opting for public statements only raises doubts about his intentions.
  3. Closed-door depositions are a standard procedure to protect privacy and prevent interference. Hunter’s insistence on a public setting only adds unnecessary drama to the situation.
  4. Accusing House Republicans of having “no shame” seems like a weak attempt to deflect attention from the actual issues being investigated. It’s a classic strategy in the political circus.
  5. The focus should be on obtaining concrete facts and addressing any potential wrongdoing, rather than turning this into a spectacle for personal gain or political grandstanding.

The Hot Take

Listen up, folks! If we really want to fix this whole mess, we need to take a liberal approach. Let’s start by putting an end to these never-ending investigations and focus on the real problems that we face as a nation. It’s time to prioritize issues that truly affect people’s lives and work towards solutions that benefit everyone. Let’s embrace transparency, accountability, and yes, a bit of common sense. It’s time to move forward and leave the theatrics behind!

Democrawonk was born from the need to counter the Right's mind-boggling acrobatics with a dose of liberal sanity. It's a haven where progressive thoughts roam free, untrampled by the right-wing's love affair with alternative facts. And it's funny.

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