Shush! The Scandalous Secrets of Sex, Drugs, and the Reference Section

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

You know, when I think of a wild Friday night, the first thing that pops into my mind is, “Hey, let’s hit the local library!” Nothing screams debauchery like the quiet rustle of book pages and the stern shushing of a bespectacled librarian. But according to some, these temples of knowledge have descended into cavities of illicit activities. It’s time to dive into the accusation that libraries have become drug-infested sex dens. Truly, humanity has peaked.

The Breakdown:

  1. Dewey Decimal System of Dope
    • Apparently, the libraries have been re-categorized. 400s for Linguistics, 500s for Natural Sciences, and… oh, 600s for Narcotics? If you thought books couldn’t get you high, well, you weren’t being imaginative enough.

  2. Encyclopedia of Erotica
    • Forget late fees; now it’s all about the late-night rendezvous. The same tables that once supported volumes of Britannica are now backing a very different kind of research. If this trend continues, you’ll need to check out a room, not just a book.

  3. Silent Reading? More Like Silent Raving
    • Silence in the library used to be golden. Now, it’s just the quiet before the storm of the underground rave, complete with glow sticks doubling as bookmarks.

  4. Librarian by Day, Dealer by Night?
    • Those reading glasses aren’t just for reading anymore; they’re now looking over shoulders for the next customer. And the librarian’s cart is serving double duty stocking shelves and making drops.

  5. Story Time with a Twist
    • Remember story hour for the kids? It’s now morphed into story hour for adults, with tales that would make even the Marquis de Sade blush. Bring your kids, and they’ll get more education than you bargained for.

The Counter:

  1. Knowledge is Power, But So is Ignorance
    • Sure, keep blaming libraries for societal downfall. After all, educating ourselves about the root causes of issues is overrated when knee-jerk reactions suffice.

  2. Book Clubs are the New Mafia
    • You thought The Godfather was intense? Wait until you hear about the librarian running a book club cover operation. “I’ll make him an offer he can’t refuse… the hardcover or the paperback.”

  3. Gatsby in the Stacks
    • Yes, it’s the Jazz Age reincarnated between the biographies and sci-fi. Because nothing says Roaring Twenties like whispering “The Great Gatsby” quotes to each other in the self-help section.

  4. Reading ‘Lolita’ in Tehran, or in Tennessee?
    • I mean, teaching literature that deals with complex and adult themes? What’s next? Actual critical thinking? The horror.

  5. To Shush or Not to Shush
    • The librarian’s dilemma has evolved. It’s no longer about shushing noisy patrons; it’s about knowing when to turn down the bass.

The Hot Take:

Look, if our biggest problem is that the library – the stodgy, dusty haven for the literate – has become too exciting, then sign me up for a library card and call me thrilled. Maybe instead of creating fictional narratives about places of learning, we could invest in them. I know it’s revolutionary, but what if – stay with me now – we funded education, provided community services, and offered genuine solutions for homelessness and substance abuse? Too logical? Maybe we prefer our good old-fashioned fearmongering like we prefer our scandalous novels – fictional, far-fetched, and fueled by fantasies of a simpler, uninformed time.

If we truly want to solve the so-called “problems” in our libraries, then it’s not just about bringing back the stuffy silence. We’ve got to write a new chapter. One where we support our public institutions, care for our communities, and, God forbid, maybe even read a book or two.

Who knew that public libraries, the bastions of public resources and education, would give the tabloids a run for their money? Let’s all grab our library cards and prepare for an adventure – or better yet, let’s actually support these pillars of our communities instead of demonizing them.

Source: ‘Uh…’: Fox News ridiculed after claiming ‘libraries turned into drug-infested sex dens’

Simon Hill, a seasoned financial writer with 30 years under his belt at DemocraWonk and beyond, relished covering the comedic goldmine of the Bush Jr. era. Known for blending finance with humor, he turns economic reporting into an entertaining read.

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