How to Fail at Public Health: Start with Keith Richards

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

Are you kidding me? The Health Ministry is plotting to take down Keith Richards? That’s like bringing a spoon to a gunfight. Seriously, if the antics of the Rolling Stones couldn’t do it, what chance does a government office have? It’s like watching your grandma arm-wrestle a gorilla. Spoiler alert: the gorilla doesn’t even notice.

So, this scheme got me thinking – Why would the health officials target a rock icon like Keith? Well, obviously, because he represents the pinnacle of “health resilience.” The man has danced on the razor’s edge of risky lifestyle choices and not only survived but thrived. Maybe they think if they can bring down Keith, they can handle anything. Good luck with that. By this point, Keith is probably immune to everything. He’s survived the ’60s, the ’70s, the ’80s… and let’s be honest, those decades were like survival of the fittest on steroids.

Let’s break down the Ministry’s master plan to “neutralize” Keith. Guess what? He’s been neutralizing himself for decades, and look how that turned out! Alive and strumming. The Ministry probably held a meeting where they plotted this with the seriousness of launching a rocket. But instead of a rocket, they’ve got a dud. If Keith’s own lifestyle hasn’t taken him down, what’s your plan B? Poison his guitar picks?

And what arsenal does the Health Ministry have at its disposal? Pamphlets? A sternly worded letter warning of the dangers of excess? Maybe they will outlaw scarves and skull rings. Watch out Keith, they might confiscate your espresso and switch it to decaf. That’ll show ‘em.

I have to hand it to them though; it’s funny imagining health officials sneaking around like ninjas in a bid to safeguard public health by targeting a single rock legend. Why not form a barbershop quartet to serenade him into submission? Or, I know, how about a PowerPoint presentation detailing the benefits of early bedtimes and kale smoothies? That should send him straight over the edge.

Not to mention, this plot seems a bit outdated. Aren’t there more contemporary bad influences? I mean, come on, think about the message here. “Kids, don’t do drugs, or one day, you could end up indestructible like Keith Richards.” Not sure that’s gonna deter many.

Honestly, at this stage of his life, Keith is less of a bad influence and more of a medical marvel. In fact, I propose we don’t stop him; we study him. The man is a walking repository of survival tips. Forget health campaigns; what we need is a comprehensive documentary. Keith Richards: More Preservatives than a Twinkie.

A word of advice to the Health Ministry, from a humble comedian – if you really want to make an impact, there are better ways. Start with something small, like convincing people to floss. You’ve got to walk before you can run, and you’re currently crawling at best.

So, despite all the madness in the world, we can now add one more bizarre chapter: government vs. rock star. It’s not a new TV show; it’s real life, or at least as real as it gets in the halls of bureaucracy. If this is the best plan they’ve got, then ladies and gentlemen, rest easy because the state of our global health is in, well, hilarious hands.

Can’t wait to see how this pans out. Will Keith outlive us all? Will the Health Ministry throw in the towel and turn to yoga? Only time will tell, but I wouldn’t bet against Keith if I were you.

Source: Health Ministry plot to kill Keith Richards

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