When Terror Goes Retro: The Islamic State’s Blast from the Past

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

The Islamic State, also known for their least popular reality show on earth, “Caliphate Gone Wild,” has claimed another heist of humanitarian peace—that’s right, in lovely, usually-quiet Moscow. According to the folks over at The Washington Post, the group that couldn’t settle for simply being a historical footnote decided to jump back into the headlines, despite the world’s consensus that they’re as welcome as a migraine on a Monday morning. This recent debacle is a reminder that ignoring an issue doesn’t make it evaporate—instead, it festers like a bad sitcom refusing to get canceled.

The Breakdown

  • ISIS Claims Moscow Attack, World Fails to Act Surprised
    Gotcha! Bet you never saw it coming, right? Just when you thought it was safe to stop obsessively refreshing your news feed, the Islamic State pops up, like that recurring rash you thought you’d seen the last of. They’ve somehow managed to grab hold of our attention again, this time by trying to wreak havoc in Moscow. Can someone tell them their 15 minutes of fame is up?

  • The ‘Khorasan’ Subtitle: Not Just for Movies Anymore
    You know, like any significant franchise, ISIS decided it needed a spin-off. Enter ‘Islamic State Khorasan.’ It’s like when your favorite show starts to tank in the ratings and producers think, “What about a show with the neighbor’s quirky cousin?” It’s been noted that they’re the ones responsible for this latest sequel in terror. Frankly, we were all good with the original going off-air.

  • Explosions are So Passé
    Clearly, no one sent ISIS the memo that the whole explosion thing is just not trending anymore. In an era where we’re concerned about crypto falling and whether our apps are secretly passing notes about us, traditional attacks are, frankly, a bit vintage. Yet here they are, bucking the trend, trying to make bombings a thing again like some sort of deranged fashionista.

  • The ‘Lone Wolf’ Disclaimer
    Every time something awful happens, the term ‘lone wolf’ gets tossed around like a greased pig at a county fair. Of course, the ol’ lone wolf claim is a convenient tag for any perpetrator who doesn’t squarely fit into the pre-ordained narrative. But actually, it’s more like a PR move for terrorist groups—they get free publicity without having to plan a team-building retreat.

  • What’s In a Name? Or a Claim, Rather
    It’s all about branding, isn’t it? These terror collectives hurl a claim to an attack with the same fervor that teens apply to Snapchat streaks. It’s as if there’s an unspoken scoreboard and ISIS is trying to one-up everyone. “One hundred points for Gryffindor… I mean Khorasan!” Let’s just say, if terror groups were students, they’d be the ones always reminding the teacher about homework.

The Counter

  • Surprise! It’s Still Not the Apocalypse
    Rumors of the world’s end have been slightly exaggerated. Despite ISIS’s best attempts at making us think it’s all going up in flames, most of us woke up, had our coffee, and are still procrastinating on our to-do lists.

  • Spin-Offs are Never as Good as the Original
    Alright, Khorasan group, good try on making a splash with your Moscow moment, but truth be told, you’re the “Joey” to ISIS’s “Friends”—a little less catchy and destined for a single-season run.

  • Analog Horror in a Digital World
    In an age where deep fakes and cyber attacks rule the roost, traditional terror tactics feel somewhat… quaint? Not to downplay the severity, but come on, it’s like trying to bring back rotary phones.

  • The Lone Wolf Pack
    If you’re a ‘lone wolf’ and ISIS claims your exploit, does that make it a pack? Do wolves even have a concept of branding? It’s nature’s conundrum, entangled in semantics. Meanwhile, the rest of us are still figuring out if we’re cat or dog people.

  • Terror Groupies
    Seriously though, should we start printing collector’s cards? “Did you hear? ISIS just claimed another one! Got to fill in that spot in my Terrorism Bingo!” Let’s not give them the satisfaction, eh?

The Hot Take

Well, ain’t that a kicker? Now that we’ve danced through the daisies of sarcasm, here’s the hot take, fresh out of the oven: Fix the world. Simple, right? No? Okay, let’s break it down: talk to each other, toss ideologies that serve no one but power-hungry goons, fund education over arms, and maybe, just maybe, let’s not make “which group destroyed what” a casual watercooler topic. You don’t fix a car by setting it on fire; likewise, combating extremist terror with more terror is as smart as eating a soup sandwich.

Source: What to know about Islamic State group, which claimed the Moscow attack

Simon Hill, a seasoned financial writer with 30 years under his belt at DemocraWonk and beyond, relished covering the comedic goldmine of the Bush Jr. era. Known for blending finance with humor, he turns economic reporting into an entertaining read.

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