Two Politicians Walk Into a Bar: No Joke, Just Johnson’s Trip to Trump

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

Oh, great! Just when you thought the political circus had packed up and left town, it turns out the show goes on. The headline screams that President Johnson is taking a little field trip, a jaunt over to visit none other than Mr. Former-President Trump himself. Now, tell me this isn’t the setup for the world’s worst buddy movie!

First things first, let’s address this unsettling feeling spreading across the Republican camp faster than fake news on social media! Some Republicans are reportedly all jittery about this rendezvous. What’s the matter, folks? Afraid Trump might rub off on Johnson—or, even worse, Johnson might make Trump look sane by comparison?

This isn’t just a matter of political image or party alignment; it’s a full-blown identity crisis in a golf cart. Maybe they’re just worried that two such magnetic personalities in the same room might create a black hole of self-interest that could swallow the country whole—or at least the part of the country that hasn’t already been devoured by their egos.

Speaking of ego, Trump’s not exactly known for his humility, is he? I mean, the man thrives on attention like it’s his daily dose of vitamins. Throw a camera in the room and watch him light up like a Christmas tree in Times Square. And Johnson? Well, he’s walking into this thinking it’s a diplomatic visit, not realizing he’s just the latest guest star in the never-ending reality show that is Donald Trump’s life.

Now, if you were puzzled about the whole purpose of this get-together, join the club! Is it Tea with Trump? Diplomacy or golf diplomacy? Maybe they’re launching a new line of hair products for politically ambitious men with problematic hairlines. Honestly, you could make this stuff up, and no one would blink an eye because, let’s face it, reality has been outdoing satire since 2016.

The real kicker here is the mixed reactions. Some GOP members seem about as thrilled as a vegan in a barbecue joint. Why, you ask? It’s probably not just the imagery of these two leaders chumming it up. It’s the signal it sends. Aligning with Trump post-presidency isn’t like choosing dark or milk chocolate; it’s more like deciding whether you want to stick your hand in a blender on high or low.

But hey, maybe there’s strategy here. Maybe this is a clever ploy to distract us from more pressing issues. While we’re chuckling and rolling our eyes at this political playdate, what crises are being swept under the Oval Office rug? Fiscal deadlines? International tensions? Nope, sorry, can’t hear you over the sound of golf clubs swinging and backslaps echoing.

What’s the end game here? If Johnson’s trip is meant to mend fences within his party, it feels more like he’s accidentally backed a truck over them instead. And for the Republicans peering through their fingers in horror, this might just be a wake-up call. Maybe next time, instead of sending a president to patch things up, send a handyman—because Johnson’s diplomatic toolbox seems to contain nothing but a sledgehammer and some duct tape.

At the end of the day, this bizarre political play is just another reminder that in the theater of the absurd that is current politics, the show must go on. Pass the popcorn and hold onto your sanity—or whatever’s left of it—as we witness yet another episode of “The Bold and the Bewildered.”

So folks, fasten your seatbelts. It’s going to be a bumpy ride through the Twilight Zone of political alliances. And remember, in politics, just like in reality TV, expect the expected—and then expect it to get weirder.

Source: Johnson’s Trump trip unsettles some Republicans: ‘Tell me this isn’t so’

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