Frozen Warfare: Putin’s Cool New Strategy for Conflict

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Alright folks, I’ve seen it all now. According to our friends over at Newsweek, the great Vladimir Putin, yes the shirtless wonder himself, is apparently considering putting a deep freeze on the war in Ukraine. What is this, a leftover dinner? Is he going to wrap it up in foil and toss it in the freezer for later?

Let’s talk about freezing wars. Whose idea was it to treat a full-blown war like an ice sculpture rally? Thank you, Vlad, but we hadn’t quite finished our appetizer of terror and mayhem. Couldn’t you at least wait until dessert? I mean, this isn’t some Tuesday night leftover stew that you pop in the freezer for next week. This is a full-scale war. You don’t just put that on ice like a pack of chicken nuggets.

Imagine if other countries adopted this policy. You know, pause-button warfare. Hey guys, let’s pause World War II for a bit. Take a breather, go watch Casablanca, and reconvene in six months. What’d that look like on the history books? “And in 1947, Hitler died of frostbite because he forgot to hit defrost on the conflict.”

There’s so much to unpack here, and to be honest, I’m not sure if the box is filled with Russian nesting dolls or hubris wrapped in ridiculousness. A ‘freeze’ sounds like an involuntary cold shoulder you give your mother-in-law when she says your meatloaf’s dry. It’s not a strategy for global engagement.

And what are the logistics? is he planning to put the artillery in a deep hibernation? Maybe he’s thinking of a temporary Siberian slumber party for the tanks, all bundled up in their little camouflage jammies. Does the Kremlin have a Frosty the Snowman on payroll to oversee this chill operation?

Speaking of logistics, let’s talk about the soldiers. What are they supposed to do during this grand intermission? Take a vacation? I can just imagine them now, in matching Hawaiian shirts, sipping fruity drinks with tiny umbrellas, all while chuckling about how ridiculous it is that they didn’t see this coming. “We thought it’d be a blitzkrieg,” says one, “but turns out it’s more like a Sloboda Staycation.”

And what about Ukraine? Are they supposed to just sit back and wait for the next round of Russian roulette? Should they unfurl their beach towels on the frontlines and relax? Hey, Mr. Zelensky, don’t worry about those air raid sirens, that’s just the Moscow Ice Truck backing up.

Let’s talk about the absurdity of it all. Freezing a war isn’t just absurd, it’s downright infuriating. Men, women, and children are suffering, lives are being lost, and now it’s “on hold.” It’s like telling a drowning man you’ll come back to throw a lifeline after winter. Bizarre.

What’s next, Putin? Is he going to suggest a thaw the whole thing out with a state-approved microwave? Set it to “defrost,” wave a little Russian magic wand, and voilà, instant chaos in just three minutes.

In the spirit of absurdity, why stop here? Let’s freeze other global issues too. Climate change? Put it on ice. Nuclear disarmament talks? Freeze ‘em. How about the next pandemic? Let’s just put that one in the freezer next to the fish sticks and TV dinners.

When it finally all thaws out, what’s the plan? Resume the war like a Netflix series we paused to go get more popcorn? “Previously on Vlad’s Wild Ride…” with a cheery announcer recapping the carnage like it’s a season of Love Island.

You know what comes to mind? Reality TV. This whole scenario screams cheesier than a reality TV show host pitching a holiday special. Here’s Putin, standing center stage, winking at the camera, “Tune in next February to see if the war warms back up or stays on hold. Spoiler: we’re bringing back the AK-47s for a dramatic twist!” It’s as if the Baltic bloodshed was being greenlit for a second season by the world’s worst director.

So, what should we do? Should we all just play along and pretend none of this matters until the ice melts? Should Ukraine’s President Zelensky get a subscription to the Russian Winter Channel, and keep up with all the new, frosty developments? Maybe get reminded every couple of weeks by a little “ding-dong” from the Kremlin, telling him his war is now ready to be nuked, stir-fried, or simmered.

In conclusion, folks, it’s a mad, mad world when wars can be frozen like popsicles and defrosted like week-old chili. The fact that this is even an option is more ludicrous than anything I’d see in a Hollywood script, and trust me, I’ve seen some pretty crummy ones.

Source: Putin Ready to ‘Freeze’ Ukraine War: Report

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